Grain and Oil Industry

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    Grain and oil processing refers to the process of processing raw materials such as raw grains and oil materials into finished grain and oil products. It mainly includes rice processing, wheat milling, corn and miscellaneous grain processing, vegetable oil processing, machinery and equipment manufacturing for grain and oil processing. Grain and oil processing industry is an important link in the process of grain and oil reproduction and an important part of grain and oil industrialization operation (or grain and oil industrial chain), which is an indispensable intermediate link for invigorating grain and oil management and increasing the added value of grain and oil. It is also the basic part of the food industry. As a sunrise industry, the products of grain and oil processing are closely related to people’s life. With the acceleration of the modernization process, the grain and oil industry is also developing towards the direction of intelligence and automation. In this process, the automatic level instrument gain much more applications in this industry, in other words, the automation is realized, and the manpower cost is saved. The following main presentations are the types of level and pressure instruments that are often used. Weight Continuous Level Sensor, Guided Wave Radar Level Sensor, RF Admittance Level Switch, Rotary Paddle Level Switch, Flow Switch, Tuning Fork Level Switch  


Application case
  1. Grain and Oil Industry
    Grain and Oil Industry Advanced CPU and unique EachDis echo processing technology
  2. Environmental Protection & Power Industry
    Environmental Protection & Power Industry The environmental protection power industry has a wide range of instrument applications, from garbage removal, stacking, leaching, furnace combustion to flue gas treatment, all of which require automatic control of online instruments of temperature, press
  3. Feed Industry
    Feed Industry The application of computer control system in feed factory production can effectively improve production efficiency and contribute to scientific management, and ensure the continuous and reliable operation of the production line and stable product quality
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